Bills Introduced
31th Legislature
Bill No. 219-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to amend Section 33106, Chapter 33, Title 7 Guam Code Annotated relative to Mechanics Lien on Guam.
Bill No. 218-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to rezone Lot No. 3, Track 1942, in the municipality of Barrigada from Single-Family Dwelling (R-1) to Multiple-Family Dwelling (R-2) Zone.
Bill 208-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to amend §60900 and add a new §60909 and §60910, of Article 9, Chapter 60, Title 21 Guam Code Annotated relative to the construction of a new Department of Land Management Building in Hagatna.
Bill 207-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to authorize the Department of Land Management to exchange a portion of government of Guam land and deed Lot No. 1NEW-6, within Block No. 24, municipality of Hagatna to Adrian L. Cristobal and Concepcion F. Cristobal pursuant to Civil Case CV230-88 recorded under Document No. 478218.
Bill 206-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to add a new subsection (e) to §80105 of Chapter 80, Title 21 Guam Code Annotated relative to transfer properties under the jurisdiction of Guam Community College to the jurisdiction of the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission.
Bill 200-31 (COR) - V.A. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr. / v.c. pangelinan
An act to approve the commercial lease agreement by and between the Department of Land Management and the Macheche Plaza Development.
Bill 183-31 (COR) - V.A. Ada / F.F. Blas, Jr. / v.c. pangelinan
An act to add a §4121 to Chapter 4 of 5GCA relative to the requiring the reporting of unbudgeted authorizations prior year obligations and tax refunds on BBMR's website.
Bill 170-31 (COR) - D.G. Rodriguez, Jr. / v.c. pangelinan
An act to bridge the gaps in services for Guam cancer patients by creating a Guam Cancer Assistance and Treatment (GCAT) program, by amending § 81113 of Chapter 81 of Title 12 Guam Code Annotated item (b)(1).
Bill 156-31 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan
An act to appropriate nine million eight hundred thousand dollars ($9,800,000) reimbursed from the Guam Waterworks Authority in accordance with Public Law 30-145 to the government of Guam for the payment of tax refunds for 2009 and prior and to pay for interest and principal for cost of living allowances pursuant to Superior Court No. SP0206-93.
Bill 155-31 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan
An act to de-appropriate the sums appropriated and transferred by I Maga'lahen Guahan during Fiscal Year 2004 through 2009 for expenditures related to the municipal solid waste landfill facility and the closure of the Ordot dump and to re-appropriate said sum amount for the payment of emergency income tax refunds for tax year 2009 and prior and to appropriate five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to the Department of Public Works for the Umatac and Merizo cemeteries.
Bill 143-31 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan
An act to amend Section 1(i)(1)(2) and to add a new subsection (3) to Section 1(i) and to add a new subsection 1(b)(7) of Public Law 30-228 relative to the payment of income tax refunds
Bill 140-31 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan
An act relative to prioritizing the payment of Income Tax refunds in accordance with the provisions of annual appropriations acts at a rate proportional to revenue collections by establishing the "Pay Income Tax Refunds First Act of 2011."
Bill No. 139-31 (COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / B.J.F. Cruz / D.G. Rodriguez, Jr.
An act to add a new Article 3A to Chapter 4, Title 4 GCA relative to regulation for uniform definitions and standardized methodologies for calculation of a medical loss ratio rebate for the Government of Guam Health Insurance Program.
Bill No. 138-31(LS) - V.C. Pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D / T.R.Muna-Barnes
An act to repeal and re-enact Article 7, Chapter 4, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, relative to the Guam Housing Corporation's First-time Homeowner's Relief Program and to amend Section 5 of Public Law 20-210, to amend Section 11(c) of Public Law 20-210 as repealed and re-enacted by Public Law 26-123, and to amend Section 12 of Public Law 20-210.
Bill No. 132-31(COR) - V.C. Pangelinan / J.T. Won Pat, Ed.D
An act to repeal §58128.7 of Title 12 Guam Code Annotated, relative to assistance in military outsourcing and downsizing.
Bill No. 109-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to rezone Lot No. 13, Tract 209, in the Municipality of Dededo from Single-Family Dwelling (R-1) to Commercial (C) zone.
Date Introduced: 3/10/2011
Bill No. 108-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to rezone Lot No. 20, Block 9, Dededo Village Extension, in the Municipality of Dededo, from Multiple-Family Dwelling (R-2) to Commercial (C) zone.
Date Introduced: 3/10/2011
Bill No. 103-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to reprogram $36,673,370 from Object Class 111 and 113 from the Guam Department of Education FY 2011 Budget to Object Class 450 for ongoing and continuing Capital Expenditure Projects.
Date Introduced: 3/3/2011
Bill No. 80-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to add a new §58148 of Chapter 58, Title 12 of the Guam Code Annontated relative to establishing the Qualifying Certificate Review Board.
Date Introduced: 2/18/2011
Bill No. 73-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An Act to appropriate funds to the Guam Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA) for actions arising from the enforcement of 10 GCA Chapter 76.
Date Introduced: 2/8/2011
Bill No. 36-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to add a new Article 3 to Chapter 50, Title 12, Guam Code Annotated, establishing the "Government of Guam Mitigation Program for Business Interruption."
Date Introduced: 1/19/2011
Bill No. 17-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to authorize I Maga'lahen Guahan to sell severed government of Guam Lot 2417-3 to adjacent private land owner.
Date Introduced: 1/4/2011
Bill No. 14-31 (COR) - v.c. pangelinan
An act relative to transfer of the title of ownership of Lot No. 1NEW-1, Block No. 2, Tract 1427 located in the municipalities of Barrigada and Dededo from the Guam International Airport Authority to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission.
Date Introduced: 1/3/2011
Bill No. 11-31 (LS) - v.c. pangelinan
An act to convey Lot 5412-2 in the municipality of Mangilao to the Chamorro Land Trust Commission and to authorize the lease of said Lot to provide necessary land for the development of a Guam Power Authority consolidated central office.
Date Introduced: 1/3/2011